Nominations are now closed for the 2025 Cintas Custodian of the Year contest. Nominate your custodian for 2026!
Do you know a custodian who works tirelessly to keep their school clean and safe for students, staff and visitors?
Cintas will award $10,000 to the winning custodian and $5,000 in Cintas and Rubbermaid products and services to the winner’s school. On top of that, the winner’s school will receive a complete facility assessment and Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) Advanced by GBAC certification from ISSA, The Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association, valued at $20,000. Cintas will also award the winner’s school a pizza party for all staff and students. The other nine finalists who round out the Top 10 will receive $1,000 each on behalf of Cintas, a cleaning supply package from Rubbermaid and complimentary tuition to one ISSA Cleaning Management Institute (CMI) virtual training event, valued at $1,500. Again this year, the Top 3 finalists will also receive an all-expense-paid trip for two to the ISSA Show North America in Las Vegas in November where they’ll be celebrated for their accomplishments.
We will announce the Top 10 and public voting will begin around March 5.